Saturday, August 24, 2013

Samsung ဖုန္းေတြကုိ Unlock လုပ္မဲ့ SRS Samsung Remote Unlock

User name : test
Password : srscom
User code reset instructions
  1. Fully charge battery
  2. Remove simcard from the phone and remove any memory card
  3. Turn phone on
  4. Connect phone to your computer using the cable mentioned above
  5. Put phone in PC studio / KIES mode if requested
  6. Windows shouldn't ask for drivers.
    If it does, press cancel and disconnect the phone and download: 'Samsung drivers'
    Then run the Samsung driver installer. Restart the computer and connect phone again.
  7. Now start SRS software (Start -> All Programs (Program Files) -> Samsung Remote Client -> SRS Samsung Remote Unlock Client
  8. Login using your SRS login or using the test login 'test' - 'srscom'
  9. Select your phone model
  10. Click 'rescan'
    If 'Samsung modem' is not detected do:
    1. Open Device manager:
      On XP go to: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> (Switch to Classic view ) -> System -> Hardware (tab) -> Device Manager.
      On Vista go to: Start -> Type in the following commando in the 'Search box': devmgmt.msc and hit enter.
      On Windows 7 Click the pearl button (start button) then in the search box type 'Device Manager', you will see 'Device Manager' in the search results. Click and it opens.
    2. Go to 'Modems' and hit the '+' next to it.
    3. Now you should see 'Samsung modem' device there. If not Bluetooth is ON, flashing is only option to reset user code.
    4. Right click this device and choose 'properties'
    5. Now in the new screen go to 2nd tab: 'Modem'
    6. You see on which COM port this modem is (it is a number)
    7. Write this number down or remember it
  11. Go to SRS software and under 'Select Modem' set the dropdown box to the number you just written down or remembered. You can set the 'Select com port' to SAME number
  12. Hit 'User code reset' button in the client
  13. Done. You user code is now 00000000 (8 times zero)

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